10.03.2025 г. Понедельник, 23:16
Главная » Анонсы » My bosses this summer were really into it

My bosses this summer were really into it

«My bosses this summer were really into it, so I heard a lot of hunting stories, and I wanted to try it,» Bartel said. «One of the main things I took away today is. You have to give something back. It can even raise the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration that will rob you of your sight later in life.However, this damage can be prevented by taking a series of simple steps, such as wearing a hat and sunglasses outdoors, regardless of whether it is sunny or cloudy.»These UV rays reach us even on overcast days so wearing sunglasses during the summer months is says Andy. «And they can affect us all year round. That’s why it’s important to take the necessary precautions, whatever the weather.»We asked Andy to separate fact from fiction so you can make the right choices both on holiday, in the garden or when outside at work:All spectacle lenses completely protect your eyes from UV light FalseNot all glasses and contact lenses offer your eyes the same protection.

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